I believe the American Dream is still alive, and I am passionate about making it happen, even when you think it won’t.

I don't shy away from a challenge. If you ask friends and family what distinguishes me, it’s grace and grit.  Why are those attributes important as your agent?  Grace is the trait needed to handle difficult conversations with professionalism and a kind heart. Grit is the quality you want when the market is tough, or you’re at the negotiating table.

While hiking in Big Bend National Park, I fell in love with West Texas. I thought what a dream it would be to own property there someday, but I didn’t have the means to make it happen. I returned home and learned real estate is a great way to build wealth, like an investment portfolio. That struggle to achieve my dream ignited a passion to help others achieve theirs.

Climbing mountains, traversing miles, and exploring the wilderness is where I recharge. The rest of the time I’m striving for excellence and continuous improvement. If there was any question of my strength and tenacity, it ceased the day I completed The Crucible. The Crucible is a self-sustained 22-mile endurance hike over steep hills, uneven terrain, and muddy trails. As the miles pass, you experience muscle cramps that progress into muscle fatigue, pushing them to the brink of failure. You wage a war in your mind because the mind will quit long before the body. It’s a challenge of mental toughness. 

A crucible is a vessel in which raw metal is placed, heat is applied, and the contents of the crucible change. In a sense, The Crucible hike does the same thing to the participant. I also love a great cup of coffee, a good book, time with family and friends, and an amazing sunset.

Connect with me on Instagram to follow along and email me so we can accomplish your American Dream!

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